Volunteer Opportunities
Pawnee City Bold events at the VanHorne Park Amphitheater - helping to set up chairs, serve food, etc.
Contact Aaron Sawyer for the below volunteer opportunities:
5/24 Taxi Driver Rock and Roll Band- Two people needed for two shifts (4 total): 4pm-7pm and 6pm to 9pm
5/25 Southeast Nebraska Community Band - Two people needed for two shifts (4 total) : 4pm-7pm and 6pm to 9pm
5/31 Movie Night- One person to greet people and organize. Sun sets at almost 9pm, so I will start at 8pm hoping we can see the screen down in the valley there.
7pm to 830pm
6/7 Pickleball Tournament- Four people needed for Pickleball Tournament: 1pm-4pm
Four people needed for Varsity Jazz Band and BBQ 4pm-7pm
7/5 Southeast Nebraska Community Band- Two people needed for one shift - 1pm-3pm
Contact Info
Aaron Sawyer
[email protected]